My picture should be here...

Carlo U. Segre

Duchossois Leadership Professor of Physics
Address: Physics Department
Pritzker Science Center, room 166D/172
3101 South Dearborn, St.
Chicago, IL 60616
Voice: 312.567.3498
FAX: 312.567.3494
Google Scholar

Research Interests

My research centers around the structure and electronic properties of complex materials including superconducting, magnetic, catalytic, and energy storage materials.

Experimental techniques used in my research include; material synthesis through arc-melting, powder metallurgy, and advanced chemical methods; characterization of the samples performed by x-ray powder diffraction, x-ray absorption fine structure, and electrochemical methods. Specific topics of interest include:

I am also the Director of also am an active participant in the IIT Center for Synchrotron Radiation Research and Instrumentation (CSRRI), serving as Center Director and Director of the Materials Research Collaborative Access Team (MRCAT) which operates an experimental facility for materials research at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). I have been involved in the development of crystal optic devices for delivery and detection of x-rays at synchrotron beamlines.

Biographical Information

I am a "midwesterner", having spent my early years in Lincoln, Nebraska; Madison, Wisconsin; and Urbana, Illinois. I received my B.S. in physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1976. I then entered my bi-coastal period, first obtaining a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, San Diego in 1981 under the supervision of Professors Bernd Matthias and M. Brian Maple and then spending two years as a post-doc with Prof. Mark Croft at Rutgers University in New Jersey. I have been on the IIT faculty since 1983 with a one-year sabbatical in Trieste, Italy at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. I have over 200 refereed publications. A full Curriculum Vitae is also available.

B.S. in Physics, 1976, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
B.S. in Chemistry, 1976, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
M.S. in Physics, 1977, University of California, San Diego
Ph.D. in Physics, 1981, University of California, San Diego

Professional Societies:
American Physical Society
American Chemical Society
Materials Research Society
The Electrochemical Society
American Vacuum Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow 2013)
Sigma Xi (President of IIT Chapter 2005-2016; North Central Region Director 2016-2022)
International Centre for Diffraction Data (Fellow 2006; Director-at-Large 2020-2024)

Awards and Recognition:
2022 - Illinois Science and Technology Coalition: Researchers to Know
2014 - IIT Sigma Xi Research Award, Senior Faculty Division
2013 - Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2006 - Fellow of the International Centre for Diffraction Data
1986 - Lewis College Junior Faculty Teaching Award
1985 - IIT Faculty Research Fellowship
1983 - NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1983 (declined)
1979 - Lyman Award, Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Classes: Fall 2024

Current and Former Students

None of the research I have worked would have been possible without the graduate students who have studied with me at Illinois Tech.

Current Ph.D. Students
Benard Lawer Physics Department
Ishani Senevirathna Physics Department
Karen Castañeda Physics Department
Sudarshan Luitel Physics Department
Hao Lin Chemistry Department
Dana Alramahi Chemistry Department
Ning Su Physics Department
Former Ph.D. Students
1987--Kaijun Zhang GMCs, Shanghai, China
1991--Justin Akujieze Chicago State University
1991--David Marx Illinois State University
1992--Paolo Radaelli Oxford University
1994--Zuning Wang Alcatel-Lucent, Naperville, IL
1995--Roberta Zasadzinski Schuler Scholar Program, Lake Forest, IL
1996--Beihai Ma Argonne National Laboratory
1999--Ahmet Cansiz Istanbul Technical University
2003--Nadia Leyarovska 
2007--Stanislav Stoupin  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
2009--Shanshan Liu  Infeon Technologies AG, San Jose, CA
2009--Thomas Brennan 
2010--Qingying Jia  Plug Power, Concord, MA
2012--Hasitha Ganegoda  CTS Corp., Lisle. IL
2013--Michael Wojcik  Argonne National Laboratory
2015--Christopher Pelliccione  Pratt & Whitney, Hartford, CT
2018--Medani Sangroula  Brookhaven National Laboratory
2018--Shankar Aryal The Chemours Company, Wilmington, DE
2019--Hilal Saglam Princeton University
2019--Yujia Ding Illinois Institute of Technology
2020--Elahe Moazzen Apple, Cupertino, CA
2021--Kamil Kucuk Honeywell/UOP, DesPlaines, IL
2023--Otavio Marques Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Former M.S. Students
1989--Mark Kleefisch Gas Technology Institute, Des Plaines, IL
1995--Herman Cease Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL
1997--Trudy Bolin X-ray Consultant, Chicago, IL
2010--Leonardo de Melo Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
2017--Nick Goldring RadiaSoft LLC, Denver, CO
2017--Nathaniel Beaver Northeastern University Ph.D. program

History of physics at Illinois Tech

Since 2009, I have been interested in the history of physics at Illinois Institute of Technology including its predecessors, Armour Institute of Technology and Lewis Institute. Through the work of my Introduction to the Profession classes, we were able to flesh out a timeline of physics faculty and I have been building biographies of as many as possible. The results can be found in the Illinois Tech Physics Faculty Timeline.

Questions and Answers about studying physics

Are you interested in studying physics or becoming a physicist? As an advisor to undergraduate and graduate physics students, I have heard and answered many questions over the years. You can ask your questions directly and read my posts on College Confidential as "xraymancs".

Topics might include:


Finally, I am a Debian Developer. I package scientific data analysis software for the Debian GNU/Linux Project.

I spend quite a bit of time (too much!) configuring Linux software that I use regularly. My notes on some of this work can hopefully be of use to others:

Compiling Wien2k on a Debian system
Configuring Alpine for Gmail IMAP

Illinois Institute of Technology Materials Research Collaborative Access
      Team Debian GNU/Linux

Last modified 07/31/2023