Thomas Eaton Doubt (1870-19??)


B.S., Physics, Nebraska Wesleyan University
M.A., Physics, University of Nebraska
Ph.D., Physics, University of Chicago - The Effect of Intensity Upon the Velocity of Light


1897 - 1902
Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Washington
1903 - 1904
Instructor of Physics, Armour Institute of Technology
1904 - 1930
Associate Professor of Physics, Armour Institute of Technology
1930 - 1934
Professor of Physics, Armour Institute of Technology


Thomas Doubt came to the Armour Institute of Technology in 1903 as an Instructor from the University of Chicago. In 1904, upon completion of the Ph.D., he was appointed Associate Professor and 26 years later became full Professor. In 1934, Doubt retired to Whatcom County, Washington.[1]

During his time at Armour Institute of Technology, continued working in collaboration with the Ryerson Physical Laboratory and A. Michelson of the University of Chicago. His research centered around optics and improvements in spectroscopes. His most significant work involved using a phenomenon called Talbot's Bands to increase the resolution of the spectroscope.

Doubt was a consulting physicist for Underwriters Laboratory and various other optics companies. He also performed observations at the Yerkes Observatory studying the atmospheric lines in the solar spectrum and published articles on physics education. He was a member of Sigma Xi, the American Physical Society and the Optical Society of America and has one United States Patent.


  1. "The Effect of the Intensity upon the Velocity of Light", T.E. Doubt, Phys. Rev. (Series I) 18, 129-134 (1904).
  2. "Die Wirkung der Lichtintensität auf die Lichtgeschwindigkeit", T.E. Doubt, Phys. Zeit. 5, 457-460 (1904).
  3. "A Double Air Thermometer", T.E. Doubt, School Science and Mathematics 11, 613-615 (1911).
  4. "The Use and Abuse of the Library in the Teaching of Physics", T.E. Doubt, School Science and Mathematics 15, 757-762 (1915).
  5. "Talbot's Bands and the Resolving Power of Spectroscopes", T.E. Doubt, Phys. Rev. 10, 322-334 (1917).


  1. "Machine for Burning Hardhack and the Like", T.E. Doubt, U.S. Patent 1,027,038 (1912).


[1] Hyde Park Herald, July 27, 1934, p2.