John C. Collins
- 1968
- B.A., Physics, King's College Cambridge
- 1972
- Ph.D., Physics, cambridge University
- 1979 - 1983
- Assistant Professor of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology
- 1980 - 1984
- Associate Professor of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology
- 1984 - 1989
- Professor of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology
John Collins came to IIT from Princeton University and remained for 10 years
earning tenure and promotions to the rank of Professor. In 1989, Collins
left for a position at Pennsylvania State University.
Collins is a member of the
Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD (CTEQ)
collaboration. In 2009 he was awarded the
J. J.
Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics for his work in
perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics.
Notable Publications at IIT
"Back-to-Back Jets in QCD", J.C. Collins and D.E. Soper, Nuclear
Physics B 193, 381 (1981). {Citations: 498}
"The Role of the Axial Anomaly in Measuring Spin-Dependent Parton
Distributions", R.D. Carlitz, J.C. Collins and A.H. Mueller,
Physics Letters B 214, 229 (1988). {Citations: 432}
"parton Distribution and Decay Functions", J.C. Collins and D.E. Soper,
Nuclear Physics B 194, 445 (1982). {Citations: 410}
"Transverse-Momentum Distribution in Drell-Yan Pair and W-boson and
Z_Boson Production", J.C. Collins, D.E. Soper and G. Sterman,
Nuclear Physics B 250, 199 (1985). {Citations: 340}
"Factorization for Short Distance hadron-hadron Scattering",
J.C. Collins, D.E. Soper and G. Sterman, Nuclear Physics B
261, 104 (1985). {Citations: 215}